Digital Sex-Ed Content Creators Hub Innovation Award 2022

With the kind support of UNESCO, we have set up an online community of practice (CoP) for digital content creators developing and sharing information about sexual and reproductive health well-being, relationships, and much more. Together, we are building a community to empower digital content creators to connect, learn, and innovate.

We are pleased to announce that we have just launched an innovation award that will support hub members (individuals and/or groups) to come up with new and unconventional solutions to real problems and challenges, with the aim of improving delivery of digital comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) to young people online. The winners will be awarded a grant to design and test the innovation and share back learnings with the hub.

The proposed innovation needs to fulfill two key criteria:

  1. They are focused on one or a combination of CSE topics with young people as the target audience (10-24 years of age)
  2. They use digital solutions (can be a combination of diverse platforms and technologies) to deliver the digital CSE content

Hub members are encouraged to think about:

  • Describe the proposed digital solution. Which CSE topic(s) and which digital platform(s) are chosen for the innovation and why?
  • What makes the proposed digital solution innovative? What makes it different from what already exists?
  • What is the context? Which language would you be using for your idea/innovation?
  • Who is the target audience? Is it all young people? Or a more defined group? Why have you chosen this target audience?

Note: The proposed innovation can be a fresh new idea that you’d like to pilot/experiment or it can be part of ongoing work that you’d like to build on or scale up. A proposed innovation can be any of the following (or a combination of these):

  • Series of digital content (example: digital comic, story, etc.)
  • Digital/online campaign (focused on a topic)
  • Digital product for CSE delivery (podcast, vlogs, games, apps, online courses, etc.)
  • Online research undertaken to bolster your digital CSE content/platform

The deadline for application is Monday, November 28, 11:59 PM CET (Netherlands time). Award winners will be announced in mid-December 2022.

You can find out more information on the award and application process, as well as complete your application form here.