

RNW Media’s vision is to contribute to a world where young people in restrictive settings confidently claim their rights, assume their place in society, and shape a better future.


RNW Media is led by a CEO, Jacqueline Lampe. The CEO bears final responsibility for the organisation and is overseen by the Supervisory Board. The CEO leads RNW Media’s Management Team (MT) which consists of the CEO, the Director of Capacity Strengthening, the Director of Digital Programmes and the Director of Partnership Development.

Strategic, financial and operational decisions are prepared in multi-disciplinary teams and include consultations with two youth representatives to ensure that the opinions of young colleagues, both in the Netherlands and the regions, are considered. Youth representative is a voluntary role open to staff members under the age of 30.


RNW Media employs a core staff in the Netherlands who function as a centre of expertise. The Netherlands staff are responsible for strategic planning, programme management, business development and data and digital processes. They manage, coordinate and support the local teams and partners based in the target countries who are responsible for programme implementation. All staff, including the CEO and senior management, are paid in line with benefit standards of the NGO sector in the Netherlands. All salaries are below that of a director-general in government service (the ‘DG norm’).

Staff representation

RNW Media has a structure in place to organise the voice of the employees and ensure representation of its global team – Umoja/PVT. Three employees representing staff in the Netherlands form the PVT (Personeels Vertegenwoordiging), Personnel Representation group, which has certain rights under Dutch labour law). They are joined by two additional colleagues based in our implementing countries to form Umoja (a Swahili word meaning ‘unity’). Umoja/PVT meets on a quarterly basis with the CEO and on an ad hoc basis as needed to address strategic issues, such as improving communication between the teams and the inclusion of all colleagues. Umoja/PVT is considering the formation of a formal Works Council (Ondernemings Raad)

Annual report

Every year, RNW Media publishes its Annual Report on its website. You can read the latest Annual Report here. You can read previous reports here.  The RNW Media Annual Reports include an overview of activities as well as information about RNW Media’s financial accountability.

Code of conduct

RNW Media endorses and follows the Partos Code of Conduct 2012. RNW Media also asks all staff to abide by its own Code of Conduct, with clear agreements regarding integrity, manners, good governance, quality, use of social media and independence. A complaints policy is  in place along with a corporate social responsibility policy. RNW Media’s diversity policy is under review to ensure it is in line with our current strategic direction. Copies of these policies are available on request, please see contact information below.

Whistleblowing policy

RNW Media is committed to ensuring and maintaining the highest standards of conduct and business ethics in the delivery of our services. RNW Media promotes a strong culture of transparency and integrity in which people avoid any misconduct or irregularities. The objective of RNW Media’s whistleblowing policy is to establish a uniform and effective procedure that allows for safe reporting of (suspected) misconduct or irregularities and any concerns about wrongdoing without retribution.

RNW Media encourages both employees and concerned external parties to discuss suspicion of misconduct, irregularities or concerns about wrongdoing first with responsible management, their supervisor (if internal), the external integrity officer, Human Resources, or any other internal party they trust. If the suspicion concerns a member of the Management Team, the whistle-blower may also report the suspicion directly to the external integrity officer or to the Chair of the Supervisory Board.

The whistle-blower can report the suspicion of misconduct, irregularities or concern about wrongdoing in writing (HR@rnw.org) or verbally. If reporting is done verbally, the person to whom the report is made will put it in writing and provide this document to the whistle-blower for their consent and signature.

If the investigation of a report by internal personnel is not to the whistle-blowers’ satisfaction, then they have the right to report the event externally to the external Integrity Officer or the Investigation department of the Whistle-blowers Authority or another appropriate legal or investigative agency, such as the police or the Public Prosecution Service.

Click RNW Media Whistleblower January 2020 to download a pdf of the complete Whistleblowing Policy.


RNW Media has worked with legal experts to ensure full compliance with European privacy regulations (GDPR). The GDPR focuses on the policies, processes and protection of all data collected, and the use and sharing of this data. Structures are now in place and will be fully operationalised by Q2 2019. Our Data and Digital team is also developing a Responsible Data Framework to ensure our data-related activities meet the highest possible ethical standards.

ISO Certification

RNW Media’s quality management system has been assessed by an accredited certification body and found to meet all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. A quality management system that meets ISO standards ensures that we can achieve quality implementation and impact, include our most important stakeholders in our strategy and deliver value for money to both donors and our young target audience. value for money to both donors and our young target audience.


RNW Media is a member of Partos, the Dutch body for organisations working in international development. Partos brings together a membership of more than 100 Dutch development NGOs. Through defending the interests of its members, Partos enables them to work successfully towards a just and sustainable world for everyone.

ANBI Status

RNW Media has been recognised as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI, ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’) by the Dutch Tax Administration. Natural and legal persons making donations to an ANBI organisation may deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax. This status requires RNW Media to publish certain data on its website.An ANBI does not have to pay inheritance tax or gift tax on inheritances or gifts that it allocates to the general good.

RNW Media was originally set up as Stichting (foundation) Radio Nederland Wereldomroep on 15 April 1947. It is now registered by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as Stichting RNW Media.

RSIN or fiscal number: 001940612
Commercial Register number: 32022621

Bank Account Number: IBAN NL13INGB0675810523

Contact details

RNW Media
Koepelplein 1C
2031 WL Haarlem
The Netherlands

E: info@rnw.org

Connect with us

RNW Media has an ambitious vision and is always looking for ways to partner with like-minded organisations. We already have a great network of partners and donors. Be sure to contact us if you want to be a part of it.