RNW Media is funding innovation projects for content creators to pioneer the future of social impact media.

The Innovation Fun-D is an initiative designed to support and showcase the transformative potential of digital media changemakers from across the globe. It also aims to reinforcing the role of DMIS’24 as a catalyst for real-world change.

This year, Innovation Fun-D aims to highlight innovative solutions with an AI-driven approach, focused on responding to pressing needs faced by young people using the power of AI. The initiative will award two changemaker organizations up to €20,000 to implement their innovations.

The six finalists, shortlisted from 58 applications received from 32 countries, will pitch their ideas at #DMIS24, to a jury panel comprising of experts from Mozilla Foundation, Porticus Foundation, and InHolland University.

The 6 finalists are:

We invite you to participate as guest judge for these initiatives. Watch their videos and give them bigger chance to win the fund by liking, commenting, and sharing the initiative that resonate with you.

There are two areas of focus for the Innovation Fun-D 2024

1. Information integrity - Projects to fight dis/mis/mal-information:

Maybe you have an idea for a technical innovation that will revolutionise how we map the evolving flow of dis/mis/mal-information. Maybe you have a smart content strategy or targeting innovation that will boost media literacy among young people (especially around generative text and fake imagery). Maybe you have a vision for how CSOs and governments can massively grow traction around fact-based narratives with vulnerable audiences. Maybe it’s something else entirely.  

2. Youth engagement – Projects that increase the participation of young people in pro-rights initiatives:

Maybe you're pioneering new content or targeting strategies that will drive user behaviour with audiences outside the pro-rights echo chamber, or maybe you have burning ideas for technical solutions such as AI customised messaging or bots. Maybe you are developing advanced tools to foster deeper connections and meaningful interactions with the younger demographic. Maybe you’re exploring a completely different angle.

AI approaches/tools need to be at the core of the project idea, and all projects need to incorporate smart data analysis to effectively understand target audiences and measure impact.


The Innovation Fun-d is set up to give Changemakers the freedom to experiment with new digital strategies and / or new tech solutions for driving social impact.  

With polarisation and extremism getting ever worse, and traction for pro-rights ideas shrinking, it’s clear that the world needs radical new solutions. Bold new ideas are inherently risky, so we created The Innovation Fun-d to give everyone space to experiment and help reduce risk wherever possible.

The Innovation Fun-d is also about pioneering AI working practices within the NGO community. Like it or not, AI is here to stay, and we need to harness its power to effectively safeguard the values we hold dear. All projects need to be underpinned or supported by AI tools, and they need to be rooted in a solid understanding of algorithmic logic and its impact on society.


Applications Should Include:

  1. A description of the pilot idea and how your ‘solution’ will help solve a problem
  1. A brief analysis of other (existing) solutions to the problem
  1. A description of a success trajectory for your ‘solution’ (for example MVP, growth, etc.)
  1. A project overview (for example activities, timeline, deliverables, budget, project team and how young people are involved)


The Innovation Fun-d is available to:  

  • Any registered youth-centred organisation from Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America  
  • RNW Media Network Members
  • RNW Media Alumni  

We will consider applications that request project funding to fund the full implementation of pilot projects1.

Project Implementation Timeline:

Projects need to be implemented (activities and spending) no later than December 31, 2025. We suggest that activities are finalised by November 15, 2025 to allow for reporting to take place.


Maximum budget per application for project funding: 20,000 EUR

Anticipated number of awards: 2


The Innovation Fun-d Committee will evaluate proposals on the following points:

  • Does it impactfully address one of the two proposed themes (Information integrity, Youth engagement)?  Yes/No
  • Does it use of AI tools/approaches at the core of the project to drive/accelerate desired impact? Yes/No
  • Does it solve a problem for young people? Yes/No  
  • Can the solution be replicated or scaled? Yes/No
  • Bonus: is the project idea working within one of the three priority themes: civic engagement of young people, raising youth voices on gender equality or climate justice? Yes/No
  • Bonus: will young people be involved in the implementation? Yes/No



  • Questions about to the application process should be sent by June 1, 2024.  
  • Applications should be submitted by 11:59PM CET, June 15, 2024.

Questions and applications should be submitted to the following email address:


This year, The Innovation Fun-d has an exciting interactive format.  

  1. The RNW Media Panel: 3 experts from RNW Media will evaluate the first stage of the application process. There will be a scoring system for each theme: Information integrity and Youth engagement. This panel will narrow down the selection to 6 nominations (3 per theme).  

  1. The top 6 project ideas will then be published by RNW Media and nominees will campaign and encourage others to vote for their innovations. Finalists will get support from RNW Media on how to boost the campaign for their pilot project and secure votes for their idea.

  1. One representative (if possible two per team) of the final 6 Teams will be invited to the pitch in person at the Digital Media Forum 2024 (DMIS’24) on October 9, 2024 in the Netherlands to an expert panel and the audience. Voting will close after the pitches are made.

  1. Winners will be determined based on a combination of the online public votes and the expert panel.



Jun. 1, 2024. Deadline to submit questions regarding the innovation Fun-d application

Jun. 15, 2024. Submission of final project ideas  

Jul. 1, 2024. RNW Media announces the top 6 project ideas  

Jul. 1 – Oct. 9, 2024. Campaigning for top 6 project ideas

Oct. 9, 2024. Pitch in front of the expert panel

Oct. 10, 2024. Innovation Fun-d winners announced


Dec. 2024. Setting up implementation  

2nd week of Jan 2025. Reporting onboarding (narrative and finance)

Feb. 1 - Nov. 15, 2025. Implementing project activities according to project plan

Every 8 weeks, 30 min. Touching base on progress with Fund Committee; updating briefly on progress in the stand-up (for projects longer than 8 weeks)


Preparing and submitting written report with results, achievements, lessons learned, recommendations  

Preliminary report by Dec. 31, 2024

Final Report by Dec. 31, 2025  


  1. Are all ideas welcome?

Ideas should help respond to two mentioned themes using AI tools and approaches.  

  1. Is there a template to fill in?

No, we purposely didn’t create one. Take a look at the guidelines and ensure that all points are covered when submitting your application. We encourage you to be innovative and creative!

  1. How big can the project team be?  

The rule of thumb for any project team is about up to 4 people – but this is up to you. We strongly encourage a multidisciplinary group of people forming the project team. A Project Lead should be included in the application.

  1. What is the deadline to submit project ideas?

June 15, 2024.

  1. Where should I send my application to?

Send them to  

  1. How many ideas will we select?

Two ideas will be selected and awarded funding.  

  1. Can I submit multiple ideas?

Yes, you can. Be mindful though of the amount of time that you can spend on this.

  1. Where are the funds coming from for us to have an Innovation Fun-d?

They own organisational investment of RNW Media.  

  1. Why does the project have a “success trajectory”?

Because ideally, we will consider sustainability from the get go. How can this project grow? Where can we find more funds for it? How can it be scaled or replicated?  

  1. What should be included in the budget?

The budget should include all costs needed to carry out the work. For example, if you foresee that you will need to contract a freelancer to support with carrying out the work, include these costs.  

Here are the six finalists that will be competing for the top spot

1. Information integrity - Projects to fight dis/mis/mal-information:

Maybe you have an idea for a technical innovation that will revolutionise how we map the evolving flow of dis/mis/mal-information. Maybe you have a smart content strategy or targeting innovation that will boost media literacy among young people (especially around generative text and fake imagery). Maybe you have a vision for how CSOs and governments can massively grow traction around fact-based narratives with vulnerable audiences. Maybe it’s something else entirely.  

2. Youth engagement – Projects that increase the participation of young people in pro-rights initiatives:

Maybe you're pioneering new content or targeting strategies that will drive user behaviour with audiences outside the pro-rights echo chamber, or maybe you have burning ideas for technical solutions such as AI customised messaging or bots. Maybe you are developing advanced tools to foster deeper connections and meaningful interactions with the younger demographic. Maybe you’re exploring a completely different angle.

AI approaches/tools need to be at the core of the project idea, and all projects need to incorporate smart data analysis to effectively understand target audiences and measure impact.


The Innovation Fun-d is set up to give Changemakers the freedom to experiment with new digital strategies and / or new tech solutions for driving social impact.  

With polarisation and extremism getting ever worse, and traction for pro-rights ideas shrinking, it’s clear that the world needs radical new solutions. Bold new ideas are inherently risky, so we created The Innovation Fun-d to give everyone space to experiment and help reduce risk wherever possible.

The Innovation Fun-d is also about pioneering AI working practices within the NGO community. Like it or not, AI is here to stay, and we need to harness its power to effectively safeguard the values we hold dear. All projects need to be underpinned or supported by AI tools, and they need to be rooted in a solid understanding of algorithmic logic and its impact on society.


Applications Should Include:

  1. A description of the pilot idea and how your ‘solution’ will help solve a problem
  1. A brief analysis of other (existing) solutions to the problem
  1. A description of a success trajectory for your ‘solution’ (for example MVP, growth, etc.)
  1. A project overview (for example activities, timeline, deliverables, budget, project team and how young people are involved)


The Innovation Fun-d is available to:  

  • Any registered youth-centred organisation from Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America  
  • RNW Media Network Members
  • RNW Media Alumni  

We will consider applications that request project funding to fund the full implementation of pilot projects1.

Project Implementation Timeline:

Projects need to be implemented (activities and spending) no later than December 31, 2025. We suggest that activities are finalised by November 15, 2025 to allow for reporting to take place.


Maximum budget per application for project funding: 20,000 EUR

Anticipated number of awards: 2


The Innovation Fun-d Committee will evaluate proposals on the following points:

  • Does it impactfully address one of the two proposed themes (Information integrity, Youth engagement)?  Yes/No
  • Does it use of AI tools/approaches at the core of the project to drive/accelerate desired impact? Yes/No
  • Does it solve a problem for young people? Yes/No  
  • Can the solution be replicated or scaled? Yes/No
  • Bonus: is the project idea working within one of the three priority themes: civic engagement of young people, raising youth voices on gender equality or climate justice? Yes/No
  • Bonus: will young people be involved in the implementation? Yes/No



  • Questions about to the application process should be sent by June 1, 2024.  
  • Applications should be submitted by 11:59PM CET, June 15, 2024.

Questions and applications should be submitted to the following email address:


This year, The Innovation Fun-d has an exciting interactive format.  

  1. The RNW Media Panel: 3 experts from RNW Media will evaluate the first stage of the application process. There will be a scoring system for each theme: Information integrity and Youth engagement. This panel will narrow down the selection to 6 nominations (3 per theme).  

  1. The top 6 project ideas will then be published by RNW Media and nominees will campaign and encourage others to vote for their innovations. Finalists will get support from RNW Media on how to boost the campaign for their pilot project and secure votes for their idea.

  1. One representative (if possible two per team) of the final 6 Teams will be invited to the pitch in person at the Digital Media Forum 2024 (DMIS’24) on October 9, 2024 in the Netherlands to an expert panel and the audience. Voting will close after the pitches are made.

  1. Winners will be determined based on a combination of the online public votes and the expert panel.



Jun. 1, 2024. Deadline to submit questions regarding the innovation Fun-d application

Jun. 15, 2024. Submission of final project ideas  

Jul. 1, 2024. RNW Media announces the top 6 project ideas  

Jul. 1 – Oct. 9, 2024. Campaigning for top 6 project ideas

Oct. 9, 2024. Pitch in front of the expert panel

Oct. 10, 2024. Innovation Fun-d winners announced


Dec. 2024. Setting up implementation  

2nd week of Jan 2025. Reporting onboarding (narrative and finance)

Feb. 1 - Nov. 15, 2025. Implementing project activities according to project plan

Every 8 weeks, 30 min. Touching base on progress with Fund Committee; updating briefly on progress in the stand-up (for projects longer than 8 weeks)


Preparing and submitting written report with results, achievements, lessons learned, recommendations  

Preliminary report by Dec. 31, 2024

Final Report by Dec. 31, 2025  


  1. Are all ideas welcome?

Ideas should help respond to two mentioned themes using AI tools and approaches.  

  1. Is there a template to fill in?

No, we purposely didn’t create one. Take a look at the guidelines and ensure that all points are covered when submitting your application. We encourage you to be innovative and creative!

  1. How big can the project team be?  

The rule of thumb for any project team is about up to 4 people – but this is up to you. We strongly encourage a multidisciplinary group of people forming the project team. A Project Lead should be included in the application.

  1. What is the deadline to submit project ideas?

June 15, 2024.

  1. Where should I send my application to?

Send them to  

  1. How many ideas will we select?

Two ideas will be selected and awarded funding.  

  1. Can I submit multiple ideas?

Yes, you can. Be mindful though of the amount of time that you can spend on this.

  1. Where are the funds coming from for us to have an Innovation Fun-d?

They own organisational investment of RNW Media.  

  1. Why does the project have a “success trajectory”?

Because ideally, we will consider sustainability from the get go. How can this project grow? Where can we find more funds for it? How can it be scaled or replicated?  

  1. What should be included in the budget?

The budget should include all costs needed to carry out the work. For example, if you foresee that you will need to contract a freelancer to support with carrying out the work, include these costs.