Love Matters launches several new platforms in Africa


Love Matters is launching three new platforms in Nigeria, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2019.  

Love, sex and relationships have a huge impact on young people’s lives. Data from our Love Matters Africa platforms shows that more than 62% of our users visit articles talking about ‘love and relationships’. 

Nigeria has Africa’s largest population of young people. They are marking the day of love with gusto. This year Love Matters’s Naija will join in the celebrations to offer them blush-free facts and stories on love, sex and everything in between.  

Rwanda is a phoenix rising from the ashes. Young people make up 40% of Rwanda’s population and are generally shy about talking about love, but they definitely want to get good quality information and stories they can relate to. Love Matters Rwanda will offer pleasure-positive, non-judgmental and mobile-friendly information to the young Rwandese.  

The Democratic Republic of Congo has just gone through a stressful election period. But that doesn’t mean the young Congolese aren’t thinking about relationships. In fact, they are turning to their phones to find the latest information. Amour Afrique is going to be there to make sure the information they receive is reliable, open and honest.  

What young people talk about on Valentine’s Day  

We looked at last year’s trending topics across our Love Matters platforms to find out what young people were talking about around the ‘Day of Love’. The results were very interesting. It turns out our young users paid special attention to articles like, “Normal Size of A Penis”, with 1,961 views in four days, and were also attracted by the article, “Noisy Orgasms”, which they viewed 1,865 times.  

In China, young online users paid special attention to our Love Matters China platform in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, raising page views from an average of 3,917 to a high of 5,395 in the two days beforehand. They were interested in learning about “male and female bodies” and “losing virginity”. Our young Indian users meanwhile, were drawn to an article talking about “reasons women want to have sex”, with 6,439 views, followed by a double check on “normal penis sizes” for 4,926 users.  

The data collected from our platforms around the world give us insights into what young people in different regions are talking about. They also help us tailor our content according to their needs and aspirations and make it accessible to them on our digital platforms.