RNW Media’s Huna Libya platform engages young Libyans with multi-media content that offers fresh perspectives on the issues that matter to them. It is an online meeting place where young people from different backgrounds can safely meet and engage in dialogue and discussion.
Inclusive content, respectful discussions
The Huna Libya team of young journalists, video makers, cartoonists and bloggers engage their audience with a range of content that stimulates online discussion. Huna Libya challenges traditional norms and perspectives in order to bring about positive change in their lives. The content strives to be as inclusive as possible addressing key issues such as youth migration, economic opportunities in a fragile state, cultural and ethnic diversity, women’s rights and freedoms, and freedom of speech, among other key issues.
Careful moderation ensures that the discussions around the content remain respectful and young Libyans from different backgrounds are able to learn more about each other and unite around issues of common interest.