
Our network

We are proud of the partners we are cooperating with, and the networks we are part of.
Are you a like-minded organisation and interested in partnering with us?
Please contact us to discuss the opportunities! Our donors and network partners are listed below.

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Our major donor is the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the Ministry’s Human Rights Fund, they subsidise RNW Media’s programme for 2017-2021, ‘Enabling the Next Generation’, supporting young people to drive social change.


Funds our LGBT and SRHR programme, ‘Rights, evidence, action – amplifying youth voices’ (REA). Our Love Matters programme implements REA in India, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria in partnership with CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality. AmplifyChange supports SRHR civil society advocacy.


EuropeAid , the EU’s main international cooperation and development fund, is now backing the scaling up of our successful Justice4her (J4H) project in China, which addresses gender-based violence against young women migrant workers.

Dutch Postcode Lottery

The Dutch Postcode Lottery foundation has given us a major grant to refine our data- and digital-driven approach to ensure the sustainability of our platforms.

UNESCO in Yemen

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, UNESCO, is an active strategic partner for RNW Media in Yemen. Our platform Manasati30 and UNESCO are jointly implementing a number of activities funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund

Packard Foundation

The Packard Foundation, a major SRHR donor in India, is supporting Love Matters India to normalise comprehensive sexuality education for young people.

Ford Foundation

Ford Foundation has supported Love Matters India and Love Matters China with grants to support their work on access to evidence and rights-based information on SRHR.


Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for the integration of international experience in education, provides scholarships for professional journalists, citizen journalists, bloggers and vloggers to participate in our RNTC media training sessions.

Svenska Postkod Stiftelsen

The Swedish Postcode Lottery foundation has awarded us a grant to support the development of digital civic spaces and capacity building of young change makers within our Citizens’ Voice programme.

Network partners

Breed Mensenrechten Overleg

Established in 1979, the Breed Mensenrechten Overleg (BMO, ‘Broad Human Rights Consultation’) is a collaborative platform of Netherlands-based human rights and development organisations. BMO members engage in joint lobby and advocacy activities to ensure human rights are well anchored in Dutch foreign policy. Collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Parliament is integral to that effort.

Share-Net International

We are a member of both Share-Net International and its subsidiary Share-Net Netherlands. As the knowledge platform for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Share-Net seeks to achieve all SRHR- and HIV-related sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Youth Now!

In 2017, we formed the Youth Now! coalition. Bringing together Aflatoun International, RNW Media, Save the Children, SPARK, War Child and ZOA, the Coalition’s goal is to accelerate effective responses to the exclusion of large groups of young women and young men aged 15-30 years in fragile states, so they themselves can drive social cohesion and contribute economically to their societies.

Connect with us

RNW Media has an ambitious vision and is always looking for ways to partner with like-minded organisations. We already have a great network of partners and donors. Be sure to contact us if you want to be a part of it.